The Sonoma Valley offers a cornucopia of farmer’s markets, from the year-round Sonoma Valley Certified Farmer’s Market on Fridays in the Arnold Field parking lot to Sonoma’s Tuesday Night Market on the Plaza (May-September). It’s a pleasure to support these hardworking farmers and to buy our food locally. You’ll have a lot more fun if you understand a few basic do’s and don’ts, the farmers will appreciate your savvy, and you’ll be able to build a great relationship with the neighbor growing your food.

Given all the fun that surrounds Sonoma Valley’s farmers markets—particularly the Tuesday Night Market on the Plaza—there may be a temptation to treat the market like it’s a party. Just remember that this is a work night for the farmers, and they really appreciate people customers who navigate the market with these seven simple rules, all endorsed by Sonoma’s beloved Hilda Swartz, longtime Manager and Fairy Godmother of the Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers and Valley of the Moon Certified Farmers Markets.

  1. Show up earlier for best selection: When the market is about to start, farmers are busy setting up their tables and displaying their goods. If you arrive on the earlier side of the official market hours, you’re guaranteed to get the first pick of all the beautiful produce. But- make sure to let them get set up before trying to get the items from your shopping list! 
  2. Bring a market bag (and cash if you can): For easy and speedy transactions, come prepared with cash (most vendors take credit cards, but cash doesn't come with bank charges for them) and reusable shopping bags or baskets. No bag? Don't worry - you can get one there, too.
  3. Seasonal means of the season: Our farmers always bring the freshest, seasonal California-grown produce to the market, so when you ask for acorn squash in May or tomatoes in December, just be warned: you may get a few strange looks. Check out CUESA’s Vegetable Seasonality Chart for some ideas before you go.
  4. Take a small sample: We all know the people who use confuse food samples with lunch. Ask politely for a sample before grabbing one, and most farmers will be more than happy to have you try a strawberry or a slice of citrus. Still hungry? Go talk to the Crepe Lady or the Taco Guy for a meal, or the Baker Woman for a pastry.
  5. Ask questions: Curious about one of those crazy Buddha Hand citrons? Never tried cranberry beans before? Don’t know the difference between sustainable and organic farming? Just ask. The farmers are passionate about their produce and call many ways to cook with or enjoy their goods.
  6. Gentle negotiations should be saved for closing time: Farmers work hard to set their pricing. If you wouldn’t haggle hard in a supermarket, you shouldn’t haggle hard at the farmer’s market. However, if you show up in the last few minutes of the market, some farmers may be willing to give you a discount on items that might be perfect for canning or baking.
  7. Keep an eye on the kids and dogs at home: Got a sick toddler who loves touching things? Please keep their hands off the table. Have a puppy who wants to come along for the adventure? Unless they are a leashed and certified service dog, the food safety laws say they aren’t allowed on market grounds. Don't worry - most dogs can enjoy nearby parks and trails. Hit the market first, then go get doggo and enjoy a picnic!

“Remember, support your local farmers!” Hilda said. “We are fortunate to have a lot of small local farmers in Sonoma County. And if you haven’t tried our dates yet, come sample the 27 different varietals of organic dates we now have at the Friday market. They’re delicious!”

Farmers Market Produce